Research focus
Dissolution DNP (Dynamic Nuclear Polarization) enhances the sensitivity of MR by factors of up to 10.000 paving the road for applying the versatile MR technique to previously inaccessible areas in chemistry and biology. Meanwhile, the applicability of the technique is limited by the relatively slow DNP build-up and the fast relaxation of commonly studied nuclei. Moreover, the technique is expensive in terms of chemicals both in relation to isotope labeling and radicals used for the polarization transfer e.g. trityl which is used for the most commonly studied nucleus: carbon-13.
The focus of the project is to enhance the build-up process by use of NMR-techniques such as polarization transfer, while keeping the demands on the RF-equipment low in order to preserve the broad versatility of the dissolution DNP. The interdisciplinary project relies on the combined use of solid-state NMR techniques, RF-equipment design, and sample chemistry.
The inherent low sensitivity of Magnetic Resonance is the main obstacle for this versatile technique. Increasing the sensitivity – and doing this as fast as possible – is the focus of my research.
The project contributes to the HYPERMAG mission by pushing the limits of nuclear polarization in terms of minimizing time consumption and increasing the level of polarization.
Scientific output
Find Joachim's publications at DTU's online research database
The project is funded by Innovation Fund Denmark as part of the project
HyperPET/MR: a new concept of hybrid molecular imaging in cancer using simultaneous PET and 13C-hyperpolarized MRSI. (4108-000015B). Joachim's project is part of the HYPERMAG Center of Excellence funded by Danish National Research Foundation (DNRF124).
Project Period
April 2016 - March 2018