(Photo: Torben Nielsen)

Postdoc projects

Research at the Magnetic Resonance Section relies heavily on the expertise of our Postdocs who are able to push forward their respective fields independently and to contribute with new ideas and perspective.

We aim for a balanced distribution of senior faculty staff and young researchers. Discussion and collaboration with other group members is encouraged. When relevant, Postdocs are involved as co-supervisors in PhD Projects in their fields. 

All Postdocs are expected to publish quality research in recognized journals. Participation and presentation of own work at international conferences is encouraged.

Current Postdoc projects

Magnetic Resonance by optics:


Hyperpolarization and metabolism:

  • Rie Beck Olin: Hyperpolarized Parallel Magnetic Resonance Imaging
  • Ke-Chuan Wang: Transportable Hyperpolarized Metabolites for Magnetic Resonance Imaging via Photo Induced Dynamic Nuclear Polarization
  • Andrea Capozzi: Dynamic Nuclear Polarization with Labile Radicals

Medical image computing:


MR acquisition: