Our Neurophysics team offers a two-year Postdoc position.
We are seeking a highly motivated Postdoc candidate to work on novel application scenarios for a new generation of magnetometers that are based on Nitrogen-Vacancy (NV) Centers in Diamond.
NV-based magnetometers offer exciting possibilities as they combine excellent sensitivity with high spatial resolution and work at ambient temperatures.
The PostDoc will contribute to the interdisciplinary BioQ project ("Interfacing emerging quantum technology with biology and neurophysiology"), which aims to establish novel ways to leverage the these possibilities in order to measure the function and structure of central and peripheral nerve cells. The project is funded by Novo Nordisk Foundation.
Deadline for applying is 15 October 2019. For more details on the position, requirements and how to apply, please visit https://www.healthtech.dtu.dk/om-os/jobs-at-dtu-health-tech/job?id=e1f8cee7-ee95-4d33-b9e5-10b1a320c417.
Photo by Jonas Neergaard-Nielsen and Sepehr Ahmadi, a diamond illuminated with green laser light fluoresces red light.