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12 AUG

Succesful PhD defense by Mürsel Karadas

On Monday 12 August 2019, PhD student Mürsel Karadas from Center for Magnetic Resonance succesfully defended his PhD thesis on Highly Sensitive Magnetic Sensing of Neural...

Physics Quantum theory and atomic physics Magnets Sensors Electrotechnology Electromagnetism Health technology Medical equipment and systems Health and diseases
Photo: Jonas Neergaard-Nielsen and Sepehr Ahmadi
18 JAN

Quantum physics provides new knowledge about the brain

A new major research project between quantum physicists and neurophysiologists will increase our understanding of the brain. 

Quantum theory and atomic physics
Billede af en høj-følsom magnetfelts diamantsensor, der anvendes i kvanteteknologien.  Fotograf: Jonas Neergaard-Nielsen and Sepehr Ahmadi
17 JAN

Kvantefysik giver ny viden om hjernen

Nyt stort forskningsprojekt mellem kvantefysikere og neurofysiologer skal skabe en større forståelse af hjernen.

Quantum theory and atomic physics Physics
Photo: Jonas Neergaard-Nielsen and Sepehr Ahmadi. A diamond illuminated with green laser light flouresces red light.
29 AUG

Diamonds to shed light on signals in the brain

New quantum technological methods are to enable exploring what happens when a brain signal moves from A to B. This knowledge is essential to understanding the dynamics...

Physics Quantum theory and atomic physics Electrotechnology

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