The 7T scanner at the DRCMR

Esben Thade Petersen is appointed as Associate Professor at the CMR

Monday 25 Apr 16

A new faculty member focused on ultra-highfield MRI has joined the Center for Magnetic Resonance.

We are happy to announce that Esben Thade Petersen has been appointed in a clinical associate professorship in collaboration with the Danish Research Centre for Magnetic Resonance (DRCMR) at Copenhagen University Hospital Hvidovre. Esben will  start 15 April 2016. He will continue his employment at DRCMR, but with 20% affilliation at DTU's Center for Magnetic Resonance. His focus is ultra-highfield MRI, and the national 7 tesla MRI scanner at the DRCMR, in particular. DTU has been instrumental in the planning and establisment of the 7T facility.

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