On Monday 8 July 2019, PhD student Mohammed M. Albannay from Center for Hyperpolarization in Magnetic Resonance succesfully defended his PhD thesis on Triple resonant electromagnetic structures for polarization transfer in Dynamic Nuclear Polarization.
Examiners at the defence were Professor Marcel Utz, University of Southampton, Professor Sami Jannin, University of Lyon, and Associate Professor Tom Keinicke Johansen, DTU.
The defence ended with a unanimous recommendation from the examiners' committee that the PhD degree should be conferred on Mohammed M. Albannay for a range of important and innovative advancements for DNP systems, not least improvement of microwave transmission and RF circuits for cross-polarization DNP which are considered very relevant for the instrumental development of dDNP groups in the field.
Chairperson at the defence was Associate Professor Lars G. Hanson, DTU.
Bannay's research has been supported by Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions as part of the Innovative Training Network EUROPOL and by Danish National Research Foundation as part of the HYPERMAG Center of Excellence. For more information, please visit http://www.hypermag.dtu.dk/research/phd-projects/mohammed-albannay.
Supervisors were Professor Jan Henrik Ardenkjær-Larsen, Associate Professor Vitaliy Zhurbenko and Research Engineer Joachim Møllesøe Vinther, all from DTU.
A final version of the PhD thesis will be available for download from DTU Orbit shortly, where Bannay's published work is already available: https://orbit.dtu.dk/en/persons/mohammed-m-albannay(2cb48487-30c9-4d3e-81d8-52475a08025e)/publications.html.

Top photo: Examiner committee, supervisors and PhD - from left to right: Professor Jan Ardenkjær-Larsen, Mohammed M. Albannay, Professor Sami Jannin, Professor Marcel Utz, Associate Professor Tom K. Johansen and Associate Professor Vitaliy Zhurbenko.
Mid photo: Mohammed M. Albannay in the lab.
Bottom photo: Mohammed M. Albannay at the defense.