Jan Henrik Ardenkjær-Larsen | Head of Department, Professor |  | Bld. 345B, room 050 | +45 40 27 27 75 | DTU Health Tech |
Ziba Arghiani | PhD Student |  | Bld. 349, room 110 | | DTU Health Tech |
Kirstine Berg-Sørensen | Groupleader, Associate Professor |  | Bld. 349, room 106 | +45 22 27 58 68 | DTU Health Tech |
Peter Bodin | Senior Project Officer |  | Bld. 349, room 130 | | DTU Health Tech |
Ditte Bentsen Christensen | Research Assistant |  | Bld. 349, room 126 | | DTU Health Tech |
Teresa Cunha | PhD Student |  | Bld. 349, room 134 | | DTU Health Tech |
Arthur Dervillez | PhD student |  | Bld. 349, room 110 | | DTU Health Tech |
Merle Diedrichsen | PhD Student |  | Bld. 349, room 134 | | DTU Health Tech |
Kristin Engel | PhD Student |  | | | DTU Health Tech |
Marie Frederikke Garnæs | PhD student |  | Bld. 349, room 134 | | DTU Health Tech |
Lars G. Hanson | Groupleader, Associate Professor |  | Bld. 349, room 118 | +45 45 25 36 86 | DTU Health Tech |
Fabian Hecker | Postdoc |  | Bld. 349, room 108 | | DTU Health Tech |
Kristina Pilgaard Jacobsen | PhD student |  | Bld. 349, room 116 | | DTU Health Tech |
Søren Jakobsen | Guest |  | | | DTU Health Tech |
Pernille Rose Jensen | Groupleader, Associate Professor |  | Bld. 349, room 120 | +45 45 25 36 88 | DTU Health Tech |
Rasmus Jepsen | PhD Student |  | Bld. 349, room 132 | | DTU Space |
Per Magnus Albin Karlsson | Senior Researcher |  | Bld. 349, room 114 | +45 45 25 36 77 | DTU Health Tech |
Jan Poul Kilund | Ingeniørassistent |  | Bld. 349, room 125 | +45 45 25 36 18 | DTU Health Tech |
Mette Hauge Lauritzen | Specialkonsulent |  | Bld. 345C, room 213 | | DTU Health Tech |
Mathilde Hauge Lerche | Group leader, Associate Professor |  | Bld. 349, room 118 | +45 45 25 36 86 | DTU Health Tech |
Hans Magnus Henrik Lundell | Associate Professor |  | Bld. 349, room 130 | | DTU Health Tech |
Thomas Benjamin Wareham Mathiassen | PhD student |  | Bld. 349, room 110 | | DTU Health Tech |
Rie Beck Olin | Assistant Professor |  | Bld. 349, room 124 | | DTU Health Tech |
Ingeborg Sæten Skre | PhD student |  | Bld. 349, room 110 | | DTU Health Tech |
Axel Thielscher | Head of Section, Professor |  | Bld. 349, room 122 | +45 45 25 53 13 | DTU Health Tech |
Luca Troise | Postdoc |  | Bld. 307, room 238 | | DTU Physics |
Ke-Chuan Wang | Postdoc |  | Bld. 349, room xx | | DTU Health Tech |
Wenjun Wang | Postdoc |  | | | DTU Health Tech |
Torge Worbs | PhD Student |  | Bld. 349, room 134 | | DTU Health Tech |
Alexandra Lauritsen Neergaard Zahid | PhD student |  | Bld. 349, room 116 | | DTU Health Tech |